
Photoshop vs Lightroom

Photoshop vs Lightroom
Photoshop is a heavy duty image editing software. Lightroom is a lighter software that also allows one to manage and edit photos in batches. Both are released and managed by Adobe.

Demonstrate vs Illustrate

Demonstrate vs Illustrate
Illustrates uses images, additional text, pictures and diagrams in order to elaborate on something. On the other hand, demonstrate explains via actions.

Different Types of Printers

Different Types of Printers
There are many types of printers primarily differentiated on the basis of working technology behind them. However, they are broadly classified into impact and non-impact printers.

DDR5 vs GDDR5 Graphics Card

DDR5 vs GDDR5 Graphics Card
DDR5 and GDDR5 are used interchangeably to denote a type of DRAM graphic card memory. It has been designed for that computer application which needs a higher bandwidth