
Week vs Weak

Week vs Weak
The words, week and weak are homonyms, i.e. words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings. A week refers to a period of seven days, usually starting from on Sunday all the way to Saturday. Weak...

Prefix vs Suffix

Prefix vs Suffix
Prefix is a part of a word that is added to another word, in order to change the meaning of it. Like prefix, a suffix is also a word that is added to another word, in order to change the meaning of it. The...

Abstract vs Concrete in Language

Abstract vs Concrete in Language
The term ‘abstract’ refers to the ability to think of concepts that are outside the box, concepts that cannot be felt or experienced using just the five senses. Concrete nouns or concepts are something that...

Despatch vs Dispatch

Despatch vs Dispatch
‘Despatch’ is believed to have come from the Spanish word ‘despachar’, meaning “to send quickly” and ‘dispatch’ is believed to have evolved from Italian word ‘dispacciare’, meaning “to dispatch”. There is no...

Inference vs Prediction

Inference vs Prediction
An inference in general can be defined as drawing conclusions based on observations using the five senses. On the other hand, a prediction is a guess that can be made without any evidence. It can be guess that...


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