Difference between Veg and Nonveg

Key Difference:  Veg and Non-veg terms are generally used in context to diets. Veg diet includes all plant based diets like fruits, vegetables, etc. it does not include meat, animal derived foods and by-products. Non-veg diet includes foods and by-products derived from animals like meat, poultry and fish, etc.

Veg diet includes all plant based diets like fruits, vegetables, etc. Veg diets are generally rich in fibre, roughage and vitamins. Veg diets are often recommended as they tend to be low in calories. Vegetarians may include eggs and dairy products in the diet. However, these days, most of the vegetarians are being attracted towards the idea of being vegans, which refers to the diet including only plant diets.

Plant foods have no cholesterol like most of the non-veg diet. These types of food are also quiet low in saturated food. Many of the studies have also revealed that vegetarians’ possess a lower risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.

Non-veg diet includes meat, fish and sea food. This type of food is rich in protein and fats. Iron which is present in non vegetarian food is also of better quality and also gets better absorbed by the body. Non veg foods contain B complex like B12, which is not found in veg foods. Non-veg diet has few disadvantages too, as it is high in calorie and lacks fibre.

Veg and non-veg diets have their own advantages and disadvantages. One can find a balanced diet by combining the appropriate portions of both types of diet.

Comparison between Veg and Nonveg:





Veg diet includes all plant based diets like fruits, vegetables, etc.

Non-veg diet includes meat, fish and sea food.

Types of dieters

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians – do not consume meat, poultry and seafood, but eat both eggs and dairy products -- such as milk, yogurt and cheese.
  • Lacto-vegetarians - consume dairy foods but do not consume meat, poultry, seafood and eggs.
  • Ovo-vegetarians - consumes eggs but avoid all dairy foods, meat, poultry and seafood.
  • Vegan vegetarians – avoids  meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products — and foods that contain these products.
  • Non vegetarians generally eat all types of animal based products. However, pescatarian dieters consume fish and other seafood, but avoid red meat and poultry.
  • Advantages
  • Generally easily chewable
  • Tends to be easily digestible
  • Generally are cheaper than non-veg foods
  • Comparatively low in fat
  • Generally high in roughage and fibre
  • Plant foods contain no cholesterol
  • A rich source of nutrients, such as folate, potassium, and chromium, which help fight chronic disease
  • Rich in proteins of high biological value
  • Fish tends to be a good source of calcium
  • Egg-white is a rich source of protein and it gets easily digested

Images Courtesy: dcscaterers.com

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