Difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible

Key Difference: The Catholic Bible contains the original forty-six books of the Old Testament, (which includes the seven books of the Apocrypha) and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. The King James Bible only includes the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament.

Bible is the recognized collection of texts in Christianity. It is considered that every individual who follows the Christian faith should have access to the Bible. Nowadays, there are varieties of Bible that one can choose and read. However, the confusion arises that which one will be the best to read and understand it correctly. The most popular bibles in Christianity are the Catholic Bible and the King James Bible.

The Roman Catholicism is a sect of Christianity, just as the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the various denominations of Protestantism.

Catholic Bible and King James Bible view the Bible as having equal authority with the Church and tradition. Catholic Bible is the only one that has added books from the Old Testament. On the other hand, King James Bible (KJB) for their Old Testament has the translations. The translators used the text that originated as part of the Hebrew Rabbinic Bible. For KJB New Testament, the translators used the Greek editions. In the Catholic Bible, there are no translations of the books of Old Testament.

The Apocrypha is one of the books that one can find in the Catholic Bible. The Christians preserve the books because they recognize the books as spiritual value. Until now, 73 books are recognized by the Catholic Church, which include the deuterocanonical books. So, basically the Catholic Bible still contains the original forty-six books of the Old Testament, (which includes the seven books of the Apocrypha) and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. In 1611, the King James Version is the translation of the Christian Bible which was signed by the Church of England.

Comparison between Catholic Bible and King James Bible:


Catholic Bible

King James Bible


Generic term for the Holy Bible

One of the many other versions of the Holy Bible

First Printed




The Catholic Bible contains the original forty-six books of the Old Testament, (which includes the seven books of the Apocrypha) and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament.

The King James Bible only includes the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament.


One can find books called Apocrypha

They does not have the Apocrypha


Only include Old Testament

Include all of the books from the Old and New Testament


The Bible stands out in the crowd of Holy scriptures variations because this book is the only one that added books from the Old Testament.

The authorized King James Bible is the Christian Bible translation.

Image Courtesy: ctsbooks.org, turnbacktogod.com


What a joke! Just two mention two big errors here: the KJV actually have the Apocrypha; and the Catholic Bible in English dates earlier than the KJV, the Douay version dates to 1609!

Right on

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