Difference between Birla White Cement and Birla Putty
Key Difference: Birla White Cement and Birla Putty are both products from an Indian company known as Birla White. Birla White Cement is whitest white cement that is considered to be of high quality and is best suited to specialty applications where appearance is a high priority, whereas Birla Putty is used to facilitate care for walls.
include("ad4th.php"); ?>Birla White is India’s largest white cement producer and thus offers various products related to the cement. To start with Birla white cement; it is a white cement and can mix with other inorganic pigments. Its wash gives a shinny lustrous matt finish to walls and is used for various applications like smooth plaster, textured plaster, architectural finishes etc. White cements are always known to produce very light shades of pastels, thus Birla White Cement also exhibits this property. This whitest white cement is considered of superior quality and is also know as a great value-for-money product. It is an important component in the finish of a wall and also plays a vital role in application of mosaic tiles and terrazzo floorings. Birla White Cement in wash is used as a primer coat for ceramic paints as well can be used as a filler for all minor hair cracks and crevices.
Birla White Putty is based on Birla White Cement. This putty is made for exterior and interior walls. It basically serves purposes like leveling of wall surfaces, and being a protective base for expensive paints and many more. Coarse Putty is used to level the wall surface. Birla White Wallcare Putty is used for providing a protective base, especially for expensive paints. It prevents the paint from flaking. This putty is also used to fill pores in walls and ceilings. Birla White Wallcare Putty consists of Birla White Cement, high quality polymers, specialty chemicals and mineral fillers. For minor jobs, putty can be easily applied by a brush or with a spray. Putty is primarily used to fill cracks and surface imperfections. However, major cracks and dents need to be repaired with a cement-sand mix or by applying plaster of paris. It takes around 5-6 hours for drying. It should be applied with long size blades.
They both are products from the same company. Thus, the quality of both the products is considered to be equivalent. However, they basically vary form the viewpoint of their usage. Birla White Cement is white cement and white cement is mostly used to give a shinny lustrous matt finish to walls, whereas the Birla Putty is used for maintaining the walls and also for filing of small cracks in the walls. Birla Putty is made from adding elements to Birla White Cement therefore; Birla White Cement acts as a base for forming putty. Birla White Cement focuses on appearance, whereas Birla Putty takes care of the walls.
Image Courtesy: trade.indiamart.com, haryana.all.biz
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