Difference between Tower and Rack Server

Key Difference: A tower server is a computer that is intended to use as a server and is built in a cabinet form. It resembles a computer’s normal CPU, but is different from it. A rack server is a computer that is dedicated to be used as a server and is designed to be installed in a rack framework. This server is also known as rack-mounted server.

Tower server and rack server are two different types of servers that are available for companies that require multiple servers for business. Servers play an important part in many companies as it allows multiple users to be connected to one unit, where the data is saved. Server is basically a computer that act as a connection and responds to client requests. Big companies often require large amount of space for saving data and end up purchasing multiple servers. These servers can be of two different types: tower and rack.

A tower server is a computer that is intended to use as a server and is built in a cabinet form. It resembles a computer’s normal CPU, but is different from it. These are one of the smallest types of servers. A tower server is a standalone piece of hardware that contains all elements that is required to respond to requests by client computers. There are many advantages of purchasing a tower server which includes easy cooling, small in size and scalability (multiple servers can be added to the existing network). However, it also has certain disadvantages such as it is bulky, heavy, takes up a lot of space and cabling for a large set of tower servers can be tricky.

A rack server is a computer that is dedicated to be used as a server and is designed to be installed in a rack framework. This server is also known as rack-mounted server. A rack mounted server requires a rack to be installed, on which rack servers can be placed and bolted. The rack’s mounting slots known as bays and has a low-profile enclosure. Multiple servers can be stacked into one single rack, saving floor space and consolidating network resources. A rack server also simplifies cabling among network components. According to whatis.techtarget.com, rack servers require a special cooling system to keep the many servers from building up heat.

The main difference between a tower server and a rack server is how the servers are placed. A tower server is built in a cabinet, while a rack server has a huge rack that is built with bays to store multiple servers. A tower server can also be mounted in a rack in a special room, allowing it to take up less space. However, instead of building a special rack of it, people usually prefer to purchase a rack server.

Image Courtesy: hacksnpasses.blogspot.com, allmiamicomputersolutions.com

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really naive. no advantages or disadvantages written

i really could understand it very easily,this is coming from a person who just dosen't have any basic idea about server and its types! well explained! thank you :)

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