Video & Online Games

Pachisi vs Ludo vs Parcheesi

Pachisi vs Ludo vs Parcheesi
Ludo and Parcheesi are two different board games that are quite similar in nature. Both have developed from an ancient Indian game called Pachisi. All three have the same objective which is to get one’s four...

DLC vs Expansion Packs

DLC vs Expansion Packs
DLC and expansion pack are pretty much the same thing, wherein both these files are used to add new features, storyline, characters or simply extend the life of the game. There is not much difference between...

Pokémon Diamond vs Pearl

Pokémon Diamond vs Pearl
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl games are the first main series of Pokémon RPGs. In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the only difference is of Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl have their own version exclusives....

Pokémon X vs Y

Pokémon X vs Y
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y have a variety of Pokemon that can only be obtained within one game. Pokemon games are commonly released as a set of two slightly different titles, and X and Y are no different. They’re...

Pokemon vs Digimon

Pokemon vs Digimon
Digimon and Pokemon are Japanese franchises that both began around the same time. They both are fictional cartoon characters; where Pokemon stand for Pocket Monsters and Digimon stand for Digital Monsters.
