Difference between Regards and Yours Sincerely

Key Difference: ‘Yours sincerely’ is commonly used in a formal letter wherein the author knows the name of the respondent. ‘Regards’ is commonly used for informal communication that is written to close friends or relatives.

Valedictions or customary closings are an important aspect for any letter or email. In today’s world, letters and emails are important forms of communication with another person. In the olden times, letters written had fixed customary closings, but with the internet and emails, relationships have become far more informal resulting in many different valedictions such as Kind wishes, Best regards, Yours, etc.

Although form of communication has become informal, there are still formats that are used in order to write a letter of an email. The simplest format includes the greeting or salutation, the body and the valediction. Regards and Yours sincerely are two different forms of valedictions that are commonly used. There is a lot of confusion when people consider using these terms, which many people thinking that these terms can be interchanged. However, the terms are used depending on the relationship of the author with the recipient.

 ‘Yours sincerely’ is actually a shortened term for archaic "I am yours sincerely", which were originally used in old British correspondence. Today, the term is commonly used in America and in a formal letter wherein the author knows the name of the respondent. For example, a letter that starts with Dear Mrs. Santos would conclude with Yours sincerely. The phrase can also be written as Sincerely yours.

‘Regards’ is a contraction for the term “Best regards”. The term is commonly used for informal communication that is written to close friends or relatives. The term is now gaining popularity in the digital world with many people replying to emails of family and friends with ‘Regards’ or with ‘Best regards’.

Comparison between Regards and Yours Sincerely:



Yours Sincerely

Contraction of

Best regards

I am yours sincerely


Valediction or complimentary close

Valediction or complimentary close

Use when

Informally, when writing to a relative or a close friend

When the author knows the name of the recipient




Image Courtesy: irishelectionliterature.wordpress.com, leprosymission.org.au 

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