Different Types of Cheese
Cheese is a popular concentrated dairy product. It is available in mainly two forms – unripened and ripened. Cheeses are grouped in various ways like based on appearance, source of milk, rheology, consistency... |
Ice Cream vs Frozen Dessert
Frozen dessert is a generic term denoting any of the desserts prepared by freezing. On the other hand, ice cream is a popular type of frozen dessert which is made from dairy products and to prepare ice creams... |
Smoothie and Milkshake
Milkshake is a dairy based beverage which is generally made by the combination of ice creams and fruits. On the other hand, smoothies are primarily fruit blended beverages which have a base of ingredients like... |
Cheese vs Butter
Butter and cheese are both dairy products. Cheese is made by fermenting or coagulating milk. Cheese is primarily made by curd or the semisolid substance formed after the process of milk coagulation. Butter is... |
Cow Milk vs Buffalo Milk
Buffalo milk contains higher total solids than cow milk. This makes the buffalo milk thicker and creamier. In fact, buffalo milk is considered to have almost twice as much fat content as cow’s milk.... |