
Hedge Phrases vs Softeners

Hedge Phrases vs Softeners
Hedge phrases and softeners are words or phrases that are used in order to reduce the impact of the sentence that is being said. Hedge phrases and softeners are defined as, “any term or phrase that is...

Kind vs Sort vs Type

Kind vs Sort vs Type
The words are often used interchangeably when referring to grouping and categorizing a person, place or thing. However, there are certain contexts where the words cannot be used in the place of the other.

Nerd vs Intelligent

Nerd vs Intelligent
The term, nerd is used to refer to a person who behaves awkwardly around other people, that he is socially inept. A nerd is usually someone who has very strong interests in technical subjects, computers, games...

Type vs Form

Type vs Form
A simple way to distinguish between the two is to use type when referring to classifying or grouping something, while using form when talking about the structure and make of something.

Demonstrate vs Illustrate

Demonstrate vs Illustrate
Illustrates uses images, additional text, pictures and diagrams in order to elaborate on something. On the other hand, demonstrate explains via actions.


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