
Prefix vs Suffix

Prefix vs Suffix
Prefix is a part of a word that is added to another word, in order to change the meaning of it. Like prefix, a suffix is also a word that is added to another word, in order to change the meaning of it. The...

Course vs Programme

Course vs Programme
When used in higher studies (College) in United States or Canada, course refers to a class that usually lasts a semester or one academic term. On the other hand, programme is another term that is used for the...

Left Hand Rule vs Right Hand Rule

Left Hand Rule vs Right Hand Rule
The Left Hand Rule and Right Hand Rule are types of visual mnemonics that were developed by John Ambrose Fleming in the late 19th century. They are used to show the direction of the motion, field and current....

Argument vs Discussion

Argument vs Discussion
An argument is basically a verbal non-agreement, an altercation. In an agreement, people put forth their different opinions, and then each person tries to convince the others that viewpoint is correct. A...

Westernization vs Modernization

Westernization vs Modernization
Westernization deals with ideas, religion and culture. Modernization is limited to adoption of technology and industrialization.


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