Difference between Argument and Discussion

Key Difference: An argument is basically a verbal non-agreement, an altercation. In an agreement, people put forth their different opinions, and then each person tries to convince the others that viewpoint is correct. A discussion, on the other hand, is more amicable. It is a conversation in which each party puts forth their views. However, they merely discuss the views, the positives and the negatives, which helps facilitate discussion and growth.

We have all been in a situation when we are talking we somebody when things start to escalate, and voices get louder. Then the other person screams stop arguing with me, and you are just standing there thinking ‘I thought we were having a discussion.’ So who is actually right? Was it a discussion, or did things escalate into an argument without you realizing? What is the actual difference between an argument and a discussion anyway?

An argument is basically a verbal non-agreement, an altercation. In an agreement, people put forth their different opinions, and then each person tries to convince the others that viewpoint is correct. While this is true in the theoretical manner, in practicality the argument can turn highly emotional, in which the people involved may start to shout, scream, blame each other, etc. They may even start attacking each other’s characters. The argument may even turn into a physical fight.

A discussion, on the other hand, is more amicable. It is a conversation in which each party puts forth their views. However, they merely discuss the views, the positives and the negatives, which helps facilitate discussion and growth. Most importantly they do not try to convince each other that their point of view is correct and everyone else’s wrong. In a discussion everyone tries to see each other’s point of view and try to understand all sides of the issue.

The most basic difference between an argument and a discussion is that fact that is that a discussion is more like a conversation that one has with a friend, it involves talking about topics you like, even if they are different from what your friend’s likes. However, an argument in more sort of a fight, where each person it trying to make the other see things from their point of view. Imagine your friend telling you that your likes are wrong and that you’d like the same things as her if you’d just try it. This would then be an argument rather than a discussion.

Comparison between Argument and Discussion:




Definition (Merriam-Webster)

A statement or series of statements for or against something

A discussion in which people express different opinions about something

An angry disagreement

The act of talking about something with another person or a group of people : a conversation about something

A speech or piece of writing that gives information, ideas, opinions, etc., about something


An argument is usually a loud conversation in which each person assumes they are right and they try to convince others of it.

A discussion is a conversation in which each party shares their views and points, and everyone discusses each others views amicably.


More emotional

Less emotional


Less logical

More logical


To convince others that your view point is correct

To facilitate sharing of points and ideas in order to achieve growth

Image Courtesy: cmdental.co.nz, peterkirby.com

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