Earth Sciences & Geology
Sine vs Cosine Wave
Sine and cosine waves are identical signal waveforms where cosine wave leads the sine wave by an amount of 90 degrees. |
Predator vs Prey
Predator hunts Prey. A predator is an animal who hunts other animals; while, a prey is that animal that is hunted by other animal. Both, of these animals are necessary for maintaining the ecological balance of... |
Zoology vs Geology
Zoology and Geology are two totally different fields, which deals with biology and ecological studies. Zoology is the study of animal science related to biology; while geology is the study of solid Earth and... |
Brass vs Copper
Copper is a reddish brown colored metal known for its strength and thermal conductivity. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. The varying proportions of copper and zinc in brass define the properties of this... |
Richter Scale and Mercalli Scale
The Richter magnitude scale is a scale that assigns earthquakes a number between 1 and 10 in order of increasing intensity. The Mercalli intensity scale is another seismic scale. It labels an earthquake from I... |