
Different Types of Ram

Different Types of Ram
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It refers to a common type of memory which can be accessed randomly. It is mainly of two types – Static RAM and Dynamic RAM.

Netbook vs Notebook

Netbook vs Notebook
The major difference between the two is their purpose and functionality. A ‘Netbook’ is a small sized laptop version especially designed for content consumption, such as listening music or watching movies, etc...

Zooming vs Panning vs Scaling

Zooming vs Panning vs Scaling
Zooming provides an option to the user to change the view of a document or image. It is applicable in two ways – Zooming in and Zooming out. It usually involves shrinking or stretching of pixels. Panning is...

Computer vs Supercomputer

Computer vs Supercomputer
A computer is a general purpose programmable machine which carries out arithmetic and logical operations according to a specified set of instructions. Supercomputers are types of computers which possess the...


RAM stands for Random Access Memory. SRAM stands for Static Random Access Memory. RAM is a volatile type of memory which is the most basic form of memory used in computer systems. SRAM is a type of RAM which...


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