Science & Mathematics

Lion vs Cheetah

Lion and Cheetah are from same family, but they are from different genus. Lion belongs to Panther leo, and they like to live in group called ‘prides’, whereas cheetah belongs to Acinonyx jubatus, and he is fastest animal on earth.
Jaguar vs Tiger

Jaguar and Tiger belongs to the similar family known as Felidae family. Jaguars are larger and stockier, and are mainly found in the Western hemisphere. The tiger is the most powerful of all the big cats, and is native to East and Southern Asia.
Cheetah vs Panther

Both Cheetah and Panther are essentially wild animals. Cheetahs are tall and slender and have a smaller head in comparison to the body. Cheetahs are famous for their speed and agility.
Puma vs Jaguar

Puma and Jaguar are totally different in appearance and features. One can easily recognize the big cats. Puma sizes vary according to its habitat, and are mainly found near the mountain areas. Jaguars are larger and stockier, and are mainly found in the Western hemisphere.
German Shepherd vs Doberman

Both German shepherd and Doberman are the top 5 of the smartest breeds of dogs and were breed for guarding. German shepherd is a breed of large-sized dogs, whereas Doberman is a very strong dog with large, muscular structures.
Panthera Onca (Jaguar) vs Panthera Pardua (Leopard)

Both Jaguar and Leopard are from the same Felidae Family, but they are from different species. Jaguar is from Panthera onca species, whereas leopard is from Panthera pardus species.
Water vs Heavy Water

Water is a chemical composed that is essential for almost every life form. A water molecule is formed by the combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Heavy water is also water, but with an exception; it contains more than normal proportion of the hydrogen isotope deuterium.
Puma vs Leopard

Both Puma and Leopard are the member of Felidae family. Leopards have large muscular, short legs, long body and a large skull. It uses its strength and stealth in order to kill its victims. Puma sizes vary according to its habitat, and are mainly found near the mountain areas.
Ice vs Snow

Ice is the solid form of water. It is obtained by freezing of water. On the other hand, snow is a frozen precipitation that is formed when atmospheric water vapor freezes under extremely cold temperatures. Snow is made up of ice crystals known as snow flakes. They both differ in the process of transition from water to solid form.

Both UTC and GMT are time standards that differ in terms of their derivation and their use.
 Ice vs Water

Water is a unique substance that covers about 70 percent of the earth’s surface, and it essential for life forms. It is formed by the combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Ice is the solid form of water. It is formed when water freezes. Ice is less dense than its water form.
Exothermic vs Endothermic

In Chemistry, exothermic and endothermic are two prominent types of reactions. An endothermic reaction requires heat. On the other hand, an exothermic reaction is the one which releases heat. Thus, both the reactions are just opposite to each other.
Earth vs Other Planets

A prominent difference between Earth and other planets is that Earth has life and water where people can live on, whereas the other planets don’t.
Binary Fission vs Fragmentation

In biology, Binary Fission and Fragmentation, both are known in asexual reproduction. Binary fission is the splitting of one cell into two, and while conjunction is the same, it also involved exchanging DNA between two organisms. Fragmentation is the process of breaking off a piece of organism followed by mitosis cell division.
Hypothesis vs Assumption

A hypothesis is an uncertain or supposition explanation regarding a phenomenon or event. It is believed to be true by the researcher. An assumption is also a kind of belief which is considered to be true. hypothesis must always go through the process of verification and investigation. On the other hand, an assumption may or may not be verified or investigated. In research, assumption denotes the existence of the relationship between the variables. A hypothesis establishes the relationship determined by an assumption.


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