Science & Mathematics
In Physics, a ‘line spectrum’ is a set of discrete wavelengths from gaseous atoms, whereas a ‘band spectrum’ is produced by molecules, which consist of series of closely spaced lines, called as bands and are separated by dark spaces. |
The main difference between fish and dolphin is that the dolphins are mammals, whereas fishes are aquatic animals. |
In terms of medicine, people often get confused between the ‘chronic’ and ‘acute’ conditions. The term ‘chronic’ refer to those diseases which are conditional and long lasting over a life time period, whereas; ‘acute’ refers to an extreme and severe pain, which lasts for a short duration of time. |
In medicine, ‘severe’ and ‘chronic’ are types of diseases, which are totally different from each other. Severe diseases generally indicate the intensity of an individual’s illness, whereas; chronic disease indicates the time span of the illness. |
Both Puma and Panther are the member of Felidae family. However, an underlying difference between Puma and Panther is that Puma sizes vary according to its habitat, and are mainly found near the mountain areas. Whereas, Panthers are powerful, intelligent, and exotic animals, and are mainly found in Latin America, Asia and Africa. |
Although they appear very similar on the surface, fishes and whales are different from each other. The most basic difference between the two is that whales are warm blooded mammals, whereas fishes are marine animals. |
The basic difference between the Tiger, Panther and Leopard is that they all are different in their appearance, sizes, habits, etc. Tiger belongs to Panthera, and they have black stripes all over the body. Panther belongs to Panthera, and they have spots that are simply hard to see because their fur is so dark. Leopard belongs to Panthera pardus, and the color and length of a leopard's fur can vary depending on where it lives. |
Puma and Cheetah are totally different big cats. Puma is large, slender cat with a small head. The puma is predominantly light brown, though individuals vary from gray to reddish-brown. On the other hand, Cheetah is a smaller size, spotted coats, small heads, ears and distinctive "tear stripes" that stretches from the corner of the eye to the side of the nose. |
The primary difference between both the wild cats is that they belong to difference Genus. Cheetah belongs to Acinonyx, whereas Tiger belongs to Panthera. Cheetah is tan with round black spots. They are single large spots resembling thumb prints. Tiger has black stripes all over the body. |
Hippopotamus is a large and herbivorous semi aquatic animal which belongs to the Hippopotamidae family of class Mammalia. Rhinoceros is also a large, heavy, herbivorous odd-toed ungulate which belongs to the Rhinocerotidae family of class Mammalia. |
Both Cheetah and Jaguar are essentially wild big cats. The main difference between both the animals is their black color in the body. Cheetahs are tan in color with black spots all over the bodies. On the other hand, Jaguars have larger rosette-shaped patterns along the side and back of the body. |
Lion and Leopard both are from the same family and genus. The basic difference between both the big cats is their scientific name and appearance. Lion Lion belongs to Panthera leo, and they like to live in group called ‘prides’, whereas Leopards belong to Panthera pardus, and they never like to live in group because they are solitary animals. |
Doberman and Labrador are two different breeds of dogs. Though Doberman and Labrador are of same sizes, they have different appearances. Doberman is a very strong dog with a large, muscular structure. On the other hand, Labrador is a heavy, thicker and relatively large dog |
Sharks are a type of fish. The difference between sharks and fishes is based on their bones, skeletons, and skin texture and body shape. |
Jaguar and Panther are two different big cats. Jaguars are larger and stockier, and are mainly found in the Western hemisphere. Panthers are powerful, intelligent, and exotic animals, and are mainly found in Latin America, Asia and Africa. |