Other - Diseases
Dwarfism is the condition of being a dwarf. Midget is termed for a person who is a dwarf, but with normal features and body proportions. |
Dwarfism is defined as the condition of being a dwarf. Cretinism is a condition arising from the deficiency of thyroid hormone, which causes dwarfism and mental retardation. It is present from birth. |
Alcoholic is a person suffering from alcoholism. A Social Drinker is a person who drinks alcohol in the company of others and has control over his or her drinking. |
A person is called drunk when he or she is intoxicated with alcohol to the extent of losing control over normal physical and mental functions. An alcoholic is defined as the person affected with alcoholism. |
The blood groups O+ and O- are universal donors. The only difference is in the recipients to whom the blood is transfused; O+ can be transfused to any positive blood groups, whereas O- is transfused to both positive as well as negative blood groups. |
A bypass surgery is used for treatment of narrowed arteries. A detour or a bypass is created around the section of blocked artery. This new pathway is created by using a graft. An angioplasty is a procedure in which coronary arteries are unblocked. An angioplasty procedure does not require an open heart surgery. |
Medically, Gastric refers to anything that is related to the stomach like gastric ulcer defines an ulcer formed in the stomach. On the other hand acidity refers to any kind of condition that leads to excessive secretion of acid from the gastric glands. |
Acidity is excessive acid formation in the stomach due to intake of certain food and liquid items such as too much of tea, coffee and spicy food. Gas is formed in the body due to three reasons: Firstly, excessive breathing of air from the mouth while talking, eating fast and breathing; Secondly, eating/drinking certain substances such as carbonated drinks, sweets and dairy products, and; Thirdly, bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates in the small intestine may give rise to gases. |
Angiography is the process of taking an x-ray of the blood vessels to see which vessel is obstructed and requires repairing. Angioplasty is the method of widening the narrowed or constricted arteries or blood vessels. |
Jaundice is a medical condition that occurs due to elevated levels of the pigment known as bilirubin, whereas Yellow Fever is a viral infection that is transmitted by a mosquito known as 'Aedes aegypti'. |
Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition that is caused due to insufficient intake of proteins, whereas Marasmus is caused due to insufficient intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. |
Hepatitis is a disease caused by various viruses. It mainly causes inflammation of the liver and is characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the liver. The condition may be self-limiting, which means that it heals on its own over time or it may lead to fibrosis, i.e. scarring of the liver and cirrhosis. There are five different viruses that cause hepatitis: hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV). However, hepatitis can also be caused by toxic substances, such as alcohol, certain medications, some industrial organic solvents, plants, other infections and autoimmune diseases. |
Hepatitis is a disease caused by various viruses. It mainly causes inflammation of the liver and is characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the liver. The condition may be self-limiting, which means that it heals on its own over time or it may lead to fibrosis, i.e. scarring of the liver and cirrhosis. There are five different viruses that cause hepatitis: hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV). However, hepatitis can also be caused by toxic substances, such as alcohol, certain medications, some industrial organic solvents, plants, other infections and autoimmune diseases. |
Ulcer is a disease that is caused by bacteria, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria to be exact. The bacteria produce substances that weaken the mucous lining causing the stomach to get burned. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a medical condition in which digestive acid in the stomach flows into the esophagus causing pain and discomfort. The disease is caused by changes in the barrier between the stomach and the esophagus. |
Ulcer is a disease that is caused by bacteria, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria to be exact. The bacteria produce substances that weaken the mucous lining causing the stomach to get burned. Cancer, medically known as malignant neoplasm, is a medical condition in which cells divide and grow rapidly causing tumors that may cause harm to surrounding organs, or break off and travel to other parts of the body. |
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