Difference between Judo and Taekwondo

Key difference: Both, Judo and Taekwondo are martial art forms and combat sport, the main difference lies in their origin, that is, Judo is from Japan, while Taekwondo comes from Korea.

The article below will explain the further more differences, based on their explanations.

Judo is a known form of combat sport and martial art. It was practiced as form of exercise during the Samurai Warrior class period. It is a part of the Olympics since from 1964. The art form was derived for peace and respect point of view.

Judo term consists of two Japanese characters:


Do- "the way"

Judo is a blend of wonderful system of physical, intellectual, and moral education. It is derived martial art form, whose techniques are designed on the principles of gentleness. The actions and moves are adapted from the previous hurting and killings maim moves. The art form is known for its culture and respect towards its sport. It has maintained its heritage from several years; it’s a blend of customs and traditions. Judo’s techniques are often considered to be complex as they require time, effort and energy, which are obtained by rigorous physical and mental training. A code of ethics, a way of living and way of being are the ethics associated with the martial art trainings. Today, the martial art is practiced by more than 20 million individuals; it has also become one of the most famous forms of Martial Arts in the world.

Taekwondo is a Korean combat sport and a martial art form. It was a military martial art form, originated in the South Korean region. Today, the art from is accepted worldwide and is flourishing in nearly 184 countries.

 “Taekwondo” word is derived from the following Korean words:

"Tae"- foot

"Kwon"- fist and

"Do - way of

Taekwondo martial art form is associated with continuous kicking, and punching techniques. It is "The art of Kicking and Punching" or "The art of unarmed combat". In Teakwondo, the legs play a vital role in the actions and attacks. The martial artistes have long and strong legs, which act as a weapon at the time of attacks and kicks. Physically, Taekwondo is known to develop strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. The traditional Taekwondo, is a martial art form, which was established in the 1950s and 1960s in the South Korean military. It was also practiced in various civilian organizations, including schools and universities. Whereas, the modern Taekwondo consists of two main styles; its one style is practiced by International Taekwon-Do adherents and the other is derived from Kukkiwon, the source of the sparring system sihap gyeorugi.  

Comparison between Judo and Taekwondo:




Short description

Judo is a sport of unarmed combat derived from ju-jitsu and intended to train the body and mind.

Taekwondo is a form of a Korean martial art and a combat sport.


It is a gentle kind of martial art and a combat sport form.

It is primarily a kicking martial art, which comprises of various kicks and blocks.




The sport

The sport is all about lying the opponent down with the help of close combat tactics.

The sport consists of continuous kicks associated with the actions.


It involves using holds and leverage to unbalance the opponent.

It involves continuous kicks and strikes along with the punches.


It was formed from peace and respect point of view.

It is not concern with any peace point of view.


The movements include lots of grapples and throws.

The movements are hard, strong and graceful.

They are

Judo is purely throwing, ground work, strangles and arm locks.

Taekwondo is a kicking art, and consists of techniques like punching and blocking with parries and takedowns.


They do not include the use of gloves.

Generally, they either use open-fingered or close fingered gloves.

Objectives of the martial art forms

  • It does not involve kicking, punching, or striking techniques of any kind.
  • It does not involve the application of pressure against the joints to throw an opponent.
  • It involves no equipment or weapons of any sort
  • To develops an appreciation for Taekwondo as a sport and as an art
  • To  achieve physical fitness through positive participation
  • To  improve mental discipline and emotional equanimity
  • To learn self-defense skills
  • To develop a sense of responsibility for one self and others


Judo practitioner is called a Judoka.

Taekwondo instructor is called as Sa bum nim



Dobok or Tobo


  • Throwing Techniques (Nage Waza)
  • Standing Techniques (Tachi Waza)
  • Sacrifice Techniques (Sutemi Waza)
  • Grappling Techniques (Katame Waza)


  • Informal Stance (Moa Seogi)
  • Normal Stance (Joon-bi Seogi)
  • Natural Stance (Ap Seogi) 
  • Front Stance (Ap Koobi) 
  • Horseback Stance (Joochoom Seogi)  
  • Back Stance (Dwit Koobi) 


Hand techniques:

  • Low Forearm Block (Are Makki) 
  • Middle Block (Monton Makki) 
  • High Block (Olgul mMkki) 


Foot techniques:

  • Forward Kick (Ap Chagi)  
  • Round Kick (Dollyo Chagi)
  • Side Kick (Yeop Chagi)  
  • Back Kick (Dwi Chagi)  
  • Axe Kick (Nerio Chagi)  
  • Turn Kick (Mom-dolly Chagi)


It is a part of Olympics

It is also a part of Olympics

Associations and Federations

  • International Judo Federation(IJF)
  • World Judo Federation
  • International Taekwon-Do
  • World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)

Image Courtesy: quillan-college.e-monsite.com, taekwondoantalya.blogspot.com

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