Difference between Dermatologist and Skin Specialist
Key Difference: Dermatologists are physicians or doctors who identify, diagnose and treate diseases or disorders related to the skin, hair and nails. Skin specialist is just the other term for Dermatologist.
Dermatologist and skin specialist are the same. Both refer to doctors or physicians who have been trained to diagnose and provide treatment to diseases or disorders related to skin. Simply, a Dermatologist practices Dermatology. Many people confuse skin specialists with skin care specialists. Skin care specialists are people providing beauty treatments related to skin, hair and nails. Dermatologist is a more medical formal term used for a skin specialist.
A Dermatologist not only takes care of the skin, but also looks into the problems and diseases of scalp, hair and nails. Dermatologists practice dermatology which deals with the physiology and pathology of the skin. A Dermatologist is the physician who is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders or diseases of the skin and integument, therefore he is also referred to as a skin specialist. Therefore, there is no difference between a dermatologist and skin specialist. Dermatologist is more formal word used in the field of medicine than skin specialist.
Generally, they treat skin conditions like Tinea, eczema, hair and nails disorders, warts, skin cancer, cosmetic problems, psoriasis, etc. They use treatments like topical therapy, surgery, radiotherapy, etc. It is important to mention that the term Dermatologist will always be used for a trained medical doctor. On the other hand, the term skin specialist can be sometimes used fo people from non-medical field but with extensive knowledge and experience of treating minor skin conditions.
Comparison between Dermatologist and Skin Specialist:
Dermatologist |
Skin Specialist |
Definition |
Dermatologists practice dermatology which deals with the physiology and pathology of the skin. A Dermatologist is the physician who is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders or diseases of the skin and integument |
Another term for Dermatologist |
Type of Term (Medical Aspect) |
More formal |
Comparatively less formal |
Image Courtesy: face7skinclinic.com
rahul jain
Tue, 10/03/2017 - 19:29
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