Difference between 2D, 3D and 4D

Key difference: The terms 2D, 3D, and 4D stand for two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional respectively. They are named for the number of dimensions that they portray. 2D represents an object in just two dimensions, while 3D represents it in three dimensions. The fourth dimension however is an abstract concept.

A dimension is ‘any measurable spatial extent, such as length, breadth, height, depth, width, thickness, etc.’ The terms 2D, 3D, and 4D stand for two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional respectively. They are named for the number of dimensions that they portray. 2D represents an object in just two dimensions, while 3D represents it in three dimensions.

It is best to think of it with an example. A car has three dimensions. In fact, everything in our reality is three-dimensional. It has length, width, and height; however a photograph of a car or a drawing of a car has only two dimensions. In the photo or drawing, one can only see and measure length and height, whereas the depth or width is indistinguishable.

The fourth dimension however is an abstract concept. The world we live in is essentially three dimensional, which means that everything has a length, width (depth), and height, nothing more and nothing less. The fourth dimension is derived by generalizing the rules of three-dimensional space. 4D adds the factor of time and motion to 3D. Essentially, a 3D object that moves is considered to be four dimensional. The concept of 4D is very difficult to grasp as it’s not actually something that can be actually visually understood, mainly because it does not actually exist in the real world.

In relational to movies, there are the regular films, the 3D films and then there are 4D films. Here the regular films are 2D as they are flat, representing only two dimensions, the height and width. Whereas, 3D movies layer two different images to create the illusion of a three-dimensional image. 4D films, however, are screened in special theaters, that show 3D movies but with added special effects that take place in the theater itself. These often include vibrating seats, water jet sprays, air sprays, and even a variety of smell at times. These effects add to the viewing experience and enhances. While, this has nothing to do to with the actual 4D concept, the term 4D films have become a marketing gimmick.

Comparison between 2D, 3D and 4D:





Full Form



Four- Dimensional


Represents an object with just two dimensions, i.e. length, and height.

Represents an object with three dimensions: Length, width, and height

Represents an object with four dimensions: Length, width, height, and time/motion.




Abstract concept


Length, and height, no depth (width).

Length, width, and height

Length, width, height, and time/motion.


The x-axis and y-axis.

The x-axis, y-axis and the z-axis.

Generated by applying the rules of vectors and coordinate geometry to a space with four dimensions, in particular a vector with four elements (a 4-tuple).


Rectangle, square, triangle, polygon, etc.

Cylinder, sphere, cube, pyramid, prism, etc.

Polychora (4-polytopes) made of polyhedra (made of two dimensional polygons).


Regular films

3D Films that use optical illusion to create the representation of a three-dimensional film.

A 3D film with the added effects that take place in specially designed theaters.

Image Courtesy: ogilvyentertainmentblog.com, wikipedia.org

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this is not perfectly 4D

4D does exist in this world, you just aren't looking at the definition correctly. I have developed a model that accurately predicts the structure of quarks and beyond based on it and have had this info for over 14 years now. I identified the pattern that created a fractal structure, infinitely expandable in all directions, thus becoming nothing, yet looking at it in the present, it is solid and easily definable. It follows a pattern, the simplest you might imagine, builds the most complex we can experience, the true definition of duality, even though we are better to talk trinity from a 2D perspective. PS There are 5D in the basic model, the rest is built in the pattern and like I said go infinitely in all directions, including those visible to us and those not visible to us... it is like the alpha and the omega, I just call them now the resonator tube and the resonator cube ;) time has changed, PS 4D is simply an extension of 3D at 90 degrees i.e the concenpt of what 90 degrees means, not an actual measurement of 90 degrees, the answer is closer to 109....... degrees ;) just to get you thinking

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