Singles & Dating

Wife vs Girlfriend

Wife vs Girlfriend
The key difference between a Wife and a Girlfriend is that the wife is legally married to a man, whereas a girlfriend could be a friend but not married to him.

Friend vs Girlfriend

Friend vs Girlfriend
A friend is a person well known to another and regarded with liking, affection, and loyalty. A girlfriend is a female friend with whom a man is romantically involved in a relationship.

Hug vs Cuddle

Hug vs Cuddle
Hug is an act that consists of wrapping the hands to another person's neck, waist or back. Cuddling is an act performed between two intimate people that consist of many postures.

Dating vs Flirting

Dating vs Flirting
Dating is a term used to describe that two people going out and trying out a relationship and exploring their relationship in public as a couple. Flirting is to behave towards someone as though one were in...

Passion vs Lust

Passion vs Lust
Passion is an emotion of intense feelings. These strong feelings can be about a person or a thing, whereas lust can be defined as a passionate desire or craving that primarily focuses on pleasing itself.


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