English Language
Complementary vs Complimentary
Complementary refers to something that completes or goes with something else. Complimentary refers to something that praises or says something nice about something else. |
A lot vs Allot vs A Lot
The word ‘alot’ technically does not exist in the English language. It is a misspelling of ‘a lot.’ The term ‘a lot’ means a large number, a large amount, or a great deal. “Allot” means to give something to... |
Compliment vs Complement
The two words, ‘compliment’ and ‘complement’ are that sound the same but have different spelling and actually mean different things. ‘Compliment’ means to praise or say something nice, whereas ‘Complement’... |
Mother Tongue vs First Language
Here, mother tongue is basically considered to be the native language. This is the language that is spoken at home by the family, by the parents. The first language, on the other hand, may refer to the first... |
Oxford Dictionary vs Cambridge Dictionary
The main difference between the Oxford and Cambridge Dictionaries is that the Oxford Dictionary is published by the Oxford University Press, whereas the Cambridge Dictionary is published by the Cambridge... |