Careers & Employment

Independent Contractor vs Employee

Independent Contractor vs Employee
An employee is someone who is employed by a company. They work directly for the company, and in turn are given a salary, and may also get bonuses and employment benefits. An independent contractor can be a...

Freelancer vs Part Time Worker

Freelancer vs Part Time Worker
As the name suggests, a part time worker is someone who works part time. They are an employee of the company and still are answerable to the company. A Freelancer, on the other hand, is self-employed. They don...

Consultant vs Freelancer

Consultant vs Freelancer
A freelance person is self-employed who does contractual work for a number of clients. A consultant is someone who comes in and advises on a variety of tasks or projects.

Attorney vs Solicitor

Attorney vs Solicitor
Both an attorney and solicitor are types of lawyers. The term attorney tends to refer to a person who tends to act on behalf on someone else, especially in business or legal matters. A solicitor is a person of...

Advocate vs Lawyer

Advocate vs Lawyer
Basically, a lawyer is someone who has studied and trained in law. Lawyer is a basic term that refers to any person who has a law degree. An advocate is a special type of lawyer, who is eligible to stand in...


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