Difference between MIDI and Digital Audio

Key Difference: MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A MIDI file is a file that records music and controls the notes of each instrument, what note of the scale is, etc. Digital audio files are the files that records or reproduces sound. It is like a tape recorder.

MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A MIDI files is a file that records music and controls the notes of each instrument, finishes, how loud, what note of the scale is, etc. It can be any MIDI instrument. MIDI is pronounced as middy. MIDI was first announced in 1982, and by December it actually appeared on an instrument. After that time, the electronic musical devices have increasingly become very common. It is used in instruments that have sound cards, synthesizers and sound generators that control music. It is a format that is universally accepted and if one synthesizer has produced music using MIDI format, then that can be modified with another synthesizer. The filename extension of MIDI format is .MIDI or .MID.

Digital audio files are the files that records or reproduces sound. It is like a tape recorder. Digital audio includes CDs as well as any sound files stored on a computer or a laptop. The digital audio store minute to large sound, in exactly the same way. Then one can reproduce them on playback in any kind of machine in which one wants to play it in. One can also easily edit the file, i.e., sounds, either it be louder or softer, and change the tone quality, but usually one just plays them back after recording.

It can be said that a MIDI file can be used to store digital audio. The key differences between both the terms MIDI and digital audio are listed in the table below:



Digital Audio


A MIDI file is a software for representing musical information in a digital format.

A digital audio refers to the reproduction and transmission of sound stored in a digital format.

Format type




  • Files are tiny, often less than 10K.
  • Download from a web page in no time.
  • Fit easily on a floppy desk.
  • The files are any time ideal.
  • They reproduce the exact sound files.
  • It reproduce better than CD quality.


They sound little different from the original sounds.

  • They take up 10MB or more per minute of sound.
  • Even with high-speed internet connections, a simple audio file can take several minutes to download.
  • When combined with video, the files can cause problems.


Do not contain a recording of sound

Contain a recording of sound


No actual sound stored in MIDI file

Actual sound stored in digital audio file

Image Courtesy: zen82.jw.lt, all-free-download.com

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