Difference between Healthcare Management and Hospital Management

Key Difference: Healthcare Management is a new method in the management industry. It is a field relating to leadership, management, administration of hospitals, hospital networks, etc. On the other hand, Hospital Management is a facility that the services are provided to the hospitals.

Generally, when two of the words sound same, they are somewhat similar to each other. The terms - Healthcare Management and Hospital Management are usually used interchangeably. However, there is a subtle difference between both the terms.

Healthcare management is growing by leap and boundaries, and it usually refers to the management of the business aspects of a clinic or healthcare facility. It is a new theory in the management industry. It is a place where certain people work together, but the main role is played by the healthcare manager. A healthcare manager helps the physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in order to provide them with the support they need, which is usually the main purpose of the organization itself.

With growing multiplicity in the healthcare system, decision-making people are needed in many settings, including:

  • Clinics
  • Consulting firms
  • Health insurance organizations
  • Healthcare associations
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing homes
  • Physician practices
  • Mental health organizations
  • Public health departments
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Skilled nursing facilities
  • Universities and research institutions

On the other hand, hospital management is a facility where various treatments are involved such as medical, surgical, psychiatric, and many more. The hospital manager plays a vital role in hospital management such as it oversees physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in order to make sure that they have everything they need in order to do their jobs outstandingly.

Almost all the things in the hospital are managed by hospital management. Any problems relating to tools, materials, staff members, doctors, etc. are to be solved by them. In each and every hospital, the hospital management has become a specific necessity. Qualified professionals are needed for the smooth working of a hospital. Various courses and training programs have been developed to find out eligible hospital managers.

Comparison between Healthcare Management and Hospital Management:


Healthcare Management

Hospital Management


Healthcare management is a new method in the management industry. It is a field relating to leadership, management, administration of hospitals, hospital networks, etc.

Hospital Management is a facility that the services are provided to the hospitals.


Hospitals are acting as safety nets for their communities.


They are more directly involved in the hospital’s policies and procedures.

Managers Responsibility

  • Doesn’t usually need to pay as much attention to the day-to-day activity of the organization, since its main work is to support and not deal with emergency issues, which are unlikely to arise in this scenario.
  • Conducts his/her work away from the front lines of healthcare.
  • Provides support for hospitals and makes sure that they are acting as safety nets for their communities.
  • He/she is directly involved in setting the hospital’s policies and procedures.
  • Conducts his or her work onsite, and must constantly deal with urgent issues as they arise.
  • Looks to the day-to-day running of the hospital and deals with any unexpected issues that may arise.

Image Courtesy: indiaeducation.net, saprock.com

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