C Programming Language

Structure vs Union

Structure vs Union
A structure is defined by the struct statement, whereas a union is defined by the union statement. Both store data, but while the union allows storing different data types in the same memory location, a...

Interpreter vs Translator in Programming

Interpreter vs Translator in Programming
A translator is a type of computer program that serves a particular purpose. As its name suggests a translator translates code from one programming language to another. There are two types of translators that...

Call by Value vs Call by Reference in Programming

Call by Value vs Call by Reference in Programming
Call by value and call by reference are both methods of passing arguments. In call by value, a copy of actual arguments is passed to respective formal arguments; whereas in call by reference the location or...

Prefix Operators vs Postfix Operators

Prefix Operators vs Postfix Operators
Prefix and Postfix Operators are primarily used in relation to increment and decrement operators. If the increment and decrement operators are written before the operand, then they are termed as prefix...

FOR vs WHILE Loop With Example

FOR vs WHILE Loop With Example
The FOR loop is often used when you usually know how many times you would like the program, which means it will run that program until the number of times is complete before it terminates itself. The WHILE...

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