
Lizard vs Gecko

Lizard vs Gecko
Lizards are type of reptiles that are commonly found in many variations around the world. Geckos are specific types of lizards that have broad toes and no eyelids. They are commonly found in warmer climates.

Carpenter Bees vs Bumblebees

Carpenter Bees vs Bumblebees
The easiest way to differentiate between carpenter bees and bumblebees is from their abdomens. Carpenter bees have a bare and shiny black abdomen, whereas bumblebees have a hairy abdomen that will usually have...

Male vs Female Box Turtle

Male vs Female Box Turtle
Male and female box turtles have different characteristics that can be used to tell them apart. The easiest way is to look at the plastron (the underbelly) of the turtle. The male turtle usually has a concave...

Lizard vs Reptile

Lizard vs Reptile
Lizards are a part of the Squamata subgroup of the Reptile family.