Search Engine

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO
White Hat SEO tactics and strategies are those optimization strategies, techniques and tactics that are considered acceptable and ethical by the search engines, especially by Google. Black Hat SEO tactics and...

Local SEO vs Organic SEO

Local SEO vs Organic SEO
As the name suggests, Local SEO is SEO that is localized. It is geographically linked and it targets audiences in a localized area. Organic SEO refers to SEO that happens organically, i.e. naturally. It means...

Meta Tags vs Keywords

Meta Tags vs Keywords
Meta tags are a set of tags that are invisible to the viewer that provide information about the webpage. Keyword are commonly used phrases that are visible to the viewer and available on the webpage.

Meta Title vs Meta Description

Meta Title vs Meta Description
Meta Title is actually a tag that is used to input the name of the webpage. Meta Description is a short summary of what the webpage is about.

Meta Keyword vs Meta Description

Meta Keyword vs Meta Description
Meta Keyword tags are keywords that are placed in the html code to place emphasis on specific words in the webpage. Meta Description tag is a small summary or description of what the webpage holds.


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