Homework Help

Un- vs Non-

Un- vs Non-
Un- and Non- are two different types of negative prefixes, which means that they are part of words that need to be added to other words to change their meaning. The prefix non- is the most useful prefix, as it...

Passage vs Paragraph

Passage vs Paragraph
A paragraph is a bunch of sentences that are grouped together as they are usually about a similar topic. A Passage, on the other hand, is an excerpt from a text. This excerpt is basically a section of the text...

Different Types of Nouns

Different Types of Nouns
Nouns name people, place and things. There are many different classes of nouns. A noun can belong to more than one class.

Poetry vs Prose

Poetry vs Prose
The key difference between poetry and prose is their structured from of writing, wherein poetry is considered to be structured and prose is more natural form of writing.

Brackets vs Parentheses

Brackets vs Parentheses
Brackets and parentheses are symbols used for enclosing words or numbers. Brackets generally refer to square or box brackets with symbol [ ], whereas parenthesis or round brackets are depicted by symbol ( )....
