Words & Wordplay
Abstract Noun vs Collective Noun
Abstract nouns are used to denote an idea, state, a feeling, a quality or a characteristic, whereas collective nouns are used to denote groups. |
Honesty vs Truthfulness
Honesty is defined as the quality of being honest. Honesty brings out the traits of truthfulness, straightforwardness and worthiness of being depended on, whereas truthfulness can be described as a quality of... |
Honesty vs Loyalty
Honesty is defined as the quality of being honest. Honesty brings out the traits of truthfulness, straightforwardness and worthy of being depended on, whereas loyalty can be described as a quality of being... |
Flammable vs Inflammable
Flammable and Inflammable have the same meaning. They both refer to products that can easily catch fire. The inflammable is derived from the Italian preposition ‘en’ from ‘enflame’, causing the confusion. |
Annum vs Year
Year is the time taken by a planet to complete one revolution around the sun. Annum also denotes a period of year but is derived from Latin word ‘annus’; the word annum is mostly used in terms of finance like... |