Words & Wordplay

No vs Never

No vs Never
No means no, well to be exact it is a negative response to something, indicating that the person does not want to do what the person is indicating. Never’ indicates something that won’t ever happen, whereas ‘...

Live vs Life vs Lives

Live vs Life vs Lives
Life is the condition of living, breathing, eating, etc. which distinguishes living things from non-living things, i.e. inanimate objects which do not have life. ‘Lives’ is the plural form of life. It is used...

Sportsmanship vs Gamesmanship

Sportsmanship vs Gamesmanship
Sportsmanship refers to ‘fair and generous behavior or treatment of others in a sporting contest.’ Sportsmanship indicates that the sport or activity is enjoyed for the sake of the sport or activity....

In The Way vs On The Way

In The Way vs On The Way
‘In the way’ refers to something that is in the way of something else, i.e. it is an obstacle that is preventing from something from happening. ‘On the way’ refers to something that is on the way to somewhere...

Stationary vs Stationery

Stationary vs Stationery
The word ‘Stationary’ refers to standing still, or mainly just not moving. Stationery, on the other hand, refers to writing materials, envelopes, office materials, etc.


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