Words & Wordplay
Verb vs Noun
A verb is a word that is used to describe an action in a sentence. A noun is a word which names a person, place, thing, event, etc. |
Preposition vs Conjunction
Preposition is the part of speech that precedes a noun or a pronoun while expressing it in relation to the other parts of the clause. Conjunction is the connecting word that joins two clauses or sentences... |
Among vs Amongst
The words ‘among’ and ‘amongst’ are prepositions used in different context. The word ‘amongst’ is quite often used as a synonym for ‘among’. These words are used interchangeably in UK, whereas in US, ‘amongst... |
Drone vs Robot
Drones are semi-autonomous vehicles start on from larger spacecraft designed to expand the launching ship's capabilities. A robot is a machine, which is a mechanical or essential artificial agent. It is... |
Boredom vs Monotony
Boredom and monotony both applies disinterest of work. Boredom is the subjective state, when a person is not interested because of regular revelation or treatment. On the other hand, monotony is a state when a... |