
Riddle vs Puzzle vs Brain Teaser

Riddle vs Puzzle vs Brain Teaser
A riddle is a type of statement, question or phrase, whose purpose is to make the person think. A puzzle is a type of game, problem, or toy, whose purpose is to test a person’s ingenuity or knowledge. A brain...

Training vs Workshop

Training vs Workshop
Training is the act of providing information and instruction to someone. It is the act of teaching and or developing skills, knowledge, etc. in a student. Workshops, on the other hand, are like training events...

Passage vs Paragraph

Passage vs Paragraph
A paragraph is a bunch of sentences that are grouped together as they are usually about a similar topic. A Passage, on the other hand, is an excerpt from a text. This excerpt is basically a section of the text...

Poetry vs Prose

Poetry vs Prose
The key difference between poetry and prose is their structured from of writing, wherein poetry is considered to be structured and prose is more natural form of writing.

Embarrassment vs Shame vs Humiliation

Embarrassment vs Shame vs Humiliation
Shame is a painful feeling that arises from the conscious, after doing something improper or dishonorable, by oneself or another. Embarrassment too, is a self-consciousness feeling that arises when a person...
