Science & Mathematics
Kilos vs Pounds
Kilogram (Kilo) is purely a unit of mass measurement. Whereas, pound can either be a unit of weight or force measurement. |
Kilo vs Lbs
Kilogram is purely a unit of mass measurement. ‘lbs’ is the abbreviation and the official notion used to indicate pounds. |
Inertia vs Momentum
Inertia can be described as a property or tendency of an object that resist any change to its state of motion. Thus, a body stays at rest or continues its motions, unless acted on by an external force.... |
Velocity vs Average Velocity
Velocity refers to the rate of change of distance with respect to time. It is a vector quantity, which means that it has both - a direction and a magnitude. Average velocity refers to the change in position... |
Niagara Falls vs Victoria Falls
Niagara Falls are the waterfalls located on the Niagara River. They comprise of three waterfalls - The American Falls and Bridal Veil in the United States of America and the Canadian ‘Horseshoe’ that falls in... |