Pregnancy & Parenting

Infant vs Toddler

Infant vs Toddler
Infant is a term which is used to refer to a baby who is 0 to 12 months old . Toddlers are children of one to three years of age. Both these phases of growing up are marked by different cognitive and...

Infant Formula vs Toddler Formula

Infant Formula vs Toddler Formula
Infant formula is a food supplement for feeding to babies under one year of age. Toddler formulas have been designed for children between 1 and 3 years of age.

Infant vs Newborn

Infant vs Newborn
Infant and newborn, both these words are used to refer a young offspring of human. Infant is generally used for babies who are one to twelve months old. The upper limit can also be up to two years or 24 months...

Infant vs Child

Infant vs Child
Infant is the term that is used for a very young offspring of a human. Generally infants include a child from 9 days old to less than 12 months. Child is used to refer to a young person before the onset of...

Baby Pram vs Baby Stroller

Baby Pram vs Baby Stroller
Baby Pram and Stroller, both are wheeled devices which are used to carry children. A baby pram is like a cradle in which babies can lie, whereas a stroller is like a chair in which babies can sit upright.
