Politics & Government

Army vs Marines

Army vs Marines
The Army and the Marine Corps are two different parts of a military of a country. Army is a land based military branch is responsible for dealing with threat faced on land. In many countries, the Marines are...

Motive vs Intention

Motive vs Intention
Motive is the reason behind doing an action. Intention is the drive that provokes a person to commit to an action.

Deck Cadet vs Deck Officer

Deck Cadet vs Deck Officer
The deck officer or mate is essentially an officer serving in the deck department. Depending on the size of the ship, the deck department may have one or more deck officers. A deck cadet, on the other hand is...

Anarchy vs Monarchy

Anarchy vs Monarchy
Anarchy refers to the state of a society without any government or authority; it sometimes also refers the state of chaos that can occur in the absence of controlling authority, whereas monarchy defines the...

Legislation vs Litigation

Legislation vs Litigation
Legislation refers to the act of making or enacting laws, whereas litigation refers to the legal proceedings in order to resolve a dispute
