Jokes & Riddles

Joker vs Jester

Joker vs Jester
Joker and Jester are funny entertainers. A joker is a funny character mostly found in circus, while a jester is a person who was employed to entertain the royals in older times.

Joker vs Comedian

Joker vs Comedian
Joker and Comedian are entertainers, while a joker is one who makes fun of other to amuse and entertain audience, whereas a comedian is one who does comedy to make audience laugh.

Joker vs Riddler in Batman

Joker vs Riddler in Batman
Joker and Riddler are the famous fictional characters of the comic book series Batman, published by DC Comics. In the series, these play fabulous scary roles, wherein the joker is a psychopathic killer; and...

Joker vs Clown

Joker vs Clown
Joker and Clown are considered to be the same, but they are not, as they differ in their functions. Usually, ‘jokers’ make fun of others or someone else, while ‘clowns’ make fun of themselves.

Jokes vs Riddles

Jokes vs Riddles
Jokes are something that is spoken, written or done with the intent of being funny. These stories end with the punch line which is supposed to be the funny part. Riddles are stories, poems or question and...

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