English as a Second Language

Apartment vs Flat

Apartment vs Flat
The primary difference between an apartment and a flat is that the term ‘apartment’ is mostly used in American English, whereas ‘flat’ is used in UK or British English. Both indicate a set of rooms that are on...

Psycho vs Mental

Psycho vs Mental
The term ‘psycho’ comes from the word psychological which in turn refers to anything to do with the mind. Similarly, the term mental also refers to anything to do with the mind. However, over time both these...

Revenge vs Vengeance

Revenge vs Vengeance
In terms of context, revenge is more personal, while the use of the term vengeance implies justice and honor. Vengeance implies righteousness, whereas revenge is dirty, vile or cheap depending on the situation...

Revenge vs Avenge

Revenge vs Avenge
Revenge refers to harm that is done to someone in return of something they has done before. Another way of saying this is that it ‘the act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs’ i.e. retaliation. Avenge,...

Complementary vs Complimentary

Complementary vs Complimentary
Complementary refers to something that completes or goes with something else. Complimentary refers to something that praises or says something nice about something else.


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