Education & Reference
Aim vs Objective
Aim is setting a determined course in order to achieve a set target. Aims are usually long term. Aims can be called as long-term goals. Aims determine a set course or a target at the end that a person wants to... |
Learning Outcome vs Learning Objective
Learning Outcome refers to the expectations kept from the student at the end of the course. At the end of a course, many teachers take a test to determine what the student has learned from the course syllabus... |
Goal vs Resolution
A goal is a desired result that a person wishes to achieve. It is a target that a person wants to reach. It is an end-point of where a person sees himself after a certain period of time. Resolution actually... |
Flying vs Gliding
Flying is something that is done by birds, planes and/or Superman. Think of how these things move in the air. They have purpose, direction; they have control over their movements. They can go where they want... |
Gliding vs Sliding
Gliding is something that is done without any effort. It does not require propulsion or any engine. Think of a paper airplane, it does not have any source of power. When we throw it in the air, it slowly... |