Computers & Internet

Gtalk vs Hangout

Gtalk vs Hangout
Google Talk was an instant messaging service by Google. However, in 2013, Google replaced Google Talk with Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts is an instant messaging and video chat platform.

Data Masking vs Data Obfuscation

Data Masking vs Data Obfuscation
Difference between Data Masking and Data Obfuscation? Data Masking vs Data Obfuscation. Data Masking or data obfuscation refers to the process that helps in concealing private data. It is also referred to as...

Minification vs Obfuscation

Minification vs Obfuscation
Obfuscation and minification are two commonly used terms in programming, especially in JavaScript programming. Minification defines a process by which the files are modified by removing all unnecessary...

Hashing vs Encryption

Hashing vs Encryption
Encryption deals with the transformation of data in order to keep it confidential or secret from others. On the other hand, Hashing is based on the concept of integrity. In hashing, a new message is created...

Data Protection vs Data Security

Data Protection vs Data Security
Data security deals with the protection of a database from any kind of actions or forces that can be dangerous for the database. It is basically securing the data from accessibility of unauthorized users. Data...


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