Computers & Internet

SP vs DP Android

SP vs DP Android
SP and DP define two different units used in android or defining layout properties like margins, text size, etc. SP stands for scale-independent pixels, and DP is density-independent pixels. SP and DP are...

Like Button vs Share Button on Facebook

Like Button vs Share Button on Facebook
The Facebook ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ are the most popularly used buttons on many websites. The key difference between the two buttons is that the ‘Like’ button is used for appreciating another person’s link, status...

Web Surfing vs Web Browsing

Web Surfing vs Web Browsing
The key difference between the two terms is that the term ‘web browsing’ means going through or searching for a specific information on a specific website, whereas the term ‘web surfing’ means going through...

Database Mirroring vs Replication

Database Mirroring vs Replication
Database mirroring and database replication are two high data availability techniques for database servers. In replication, data and database objects are copied and distributed from one database to another. It...

Meta Tags vs Keywords

Meta Tags vs Keywords
Meta tags are a set of tags that are invisible to the viewer that provide information about the webpage. Keyword are commonly used phrases that are visible to the viewer and available on the webpage.


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