Computers & Internet
Different Types of Ram
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It refers to a common type of memory which can be accessed randomly. It is mainly of two types – Static RAM and Dynamic RAM. |
Different Types of Printers
There are many types of printers primarily differentiated on the basis of working technology behind them. However, they are broadly classified into impact and non-impact printers. |
Different Types of Database
A database is basically a repository of data which is devised in order to support efficient data storage. In addition to data storage, a database also assists in retrieval and maintenance of data stored in it... |
Ruby vs Ruby on Rails
Ruby is a powerful programming language, whereas Ruby on Rails is a web framework based on Ruby programming language. It is used for developing data based websites. |
Module vs Class
Classes are blueprints of objects, which contains members like fields and methods. Module introduces the definition related to properties, events, variables and procedures of its members. Modules cannot be... |