Business Venture

Entrepreneur vs Manager

Entrepreneur vs Manager
An Entrepreneur is basically a person who set up their own business. A manager is a person who manages things. The primary difference between an entrepreneur and a manager is that while an entrepreneur works...

How to Register a Company in India

How to Register a Company in India
A lot of people dream of leaving their boring desk job and starting their own business, to be their own boss, to do what they really love. However, it is not as simple as resigning your job and just starting...

Commercial vs Personal Licenses

Commercial vs Personal Licenses
Commercial licenses are meant to be used by a company or corporation that is engage in commercial operations, whereas personal licenses are meant to be used by individual people who are engaged in personal...

Board of Directors vs Management

Board of Directors vs Management
The board of directors is directly hired by the stockholders. The chairman is the head of the board of directors, which includes inside directors and outside directors. It is the board of directors’ job to...

Founder vs Promoter

Founder vs Promoter
In business, a founder is basically someone who has founded the company. Hence, the founder is also basically an entrepreneur. A promoter, on the other hand, is someone who promotes the business. It is the...
