Business & Finance
Assets vs Liabilities
An asset is something which is owned and controlled by an entity. It is capable of bringing some financial gain in the future. On the other hand, a liability is a present obligation which has to be settled in... |
Draft vs Check
A check is a negotiable instrument which directs a bank to pay a certain amount from a specified account. A demand draft refers to a prepaid negotiable instrument which is used for transfer of money in a more... |
Leasehold vs Freehold
Freehold refers the type of ownership of a property which is retained for indefinite period of time. The owner owns the land as well as the building in this case. On the other hand, leasehold refers to the... |
PETA is an animal rights organization, based in Virginia. HSUS is an animal rights advocating group based in Washington D.C. |
RSPCA has branched from SPCA and has been dubbed as a royal organization. RSPCA operates in England and Wales, while SPCA operates all over the world. |