Beer, Wine & Spirits
Sake vs Soju
Sake and Soju are both alcoholic beverages. Sake is an alcoholic beverage from Japan, whereas, soju is an alcoholic beverage from Korea. |
Ale vs Lager
Ales are made with "top-fermenting" strains of yeast which means that the yeast ferments at the top of the fermentation tank. Lagers use "bottom-fermenting" yeasts which sink to the bottom... |
Red vs White wine
White wines are made from green, gold or yellowish colored grapes or juice of select dark grapes. Red wines are made from dark grapes. |
Alcohol vs Liquor
Alcohol is a chemical compound and has various uses rather than just for drinking. Liquor is a distilled alcoholic beverage made for consumption. |
White Rum vs Dark Rum
White rums tend to have a fairly clean and sweet taste. Dark rums are quite popular and have a bold, fuller taste. Dark rums also have a greater amount of underlying molasses and sometimes caramel flavor, as... |