
IFSC Code vs Branch Code

IFSC Code vs Branch Code
In context to Indian banking, both refer to unique codes. IFSC code stands for Indian Financial System Code. IFSC code is made up of eleven characters and used to identify the branch of bank. A branch code is...

IFSC Code vs NEFT Code

IFSC Code vs NEFT Code
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. IFSC code consists of eleven characters and it uniquely identifies any bank branch in India. NEFT code is the other name for IFSC code, as it is also used in NEFT...


SWIFT code is a code that is assigned to any institution that acts as the institution’s identity in the foreign market. 'RTGS' stands for Real Time Gross Settlement. It is an online system through...

ACH vs Check

ACH vs Check
Automated Clearing House (ACH) is an electronic network that is used for financial transactions. It processes large volumes of transactions in batches. Wire transfers authorize the bank on behalf of customer...

ACH vs Wire Transfer

ACH vs Wire Transfer
Automated Clearing House (ACH) is an electronic network that is used for financial transactions. It processes large volumes of transactions in batches, therefore time of delivery is not instant. On the other...


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