Liability vs Debt
Debt is every similar to liabilities. Both refer to obligations in which money needs to be paid back. In most instances, debt includes all liabilities, especially when calculating debt-to-equity ratio. However... |
Assets vs Liabilities in Banking
An asset is anything that can be utilized to make more money. A liability is an obligation on which money has to be paid. In terms of banking, an asset is anything on which one earns an interest, whereas a... |
PAN Card vs AADHAR Card
PAN stands for Permanent Account Number. It is a number that is issued to any person who pays tax. Aadhar is an UID, i.e. a unique identification number. Its main purpose is to create a database of each... |
A PAN number is a number for anyone who pays income taxes or has financial transactions. TAN is required for any organization that deducts or collects tax at source. A TIN number is required by any dealer or... |
Forward Contract vs Future Contract
A forward contract is a non-standardized contract that allows parties to customize how they want to sell or buy an asset, at which price and what date. On the other hand, a future contract is a standardized... |