Arts & Humanities

Different Types of Paintings

Different Types of Paintings
Paintings have a special place in fine arts. They are known for their aesthetic value. There are different styles, techniques, mediums associated with paintings and are considered to classify paintings. Still...

Different Types of Dances

Different Types of Dances
Dance is a beautiful art in which body movements are set in accordance to the rhythm of music. There are many different types of dances in the world which can be primarily differentiated on the basis of style.

Skimming vs Scanning

Skimming vs Scanning
Skimming and scanning are two different techniques for fast reading. Skimming is all about reading the article in order to get the general idea of it. On the other way, scanning is about locating a specific...

Arts vs Fine Arts

Arts vs Fine Arts
The difference between the two terms is that ‘Arts’ is an expression that is used to define human creativity and skill-set through various activities and its forms, whereas ‘Fine Arts’ is a type of art that...

Acrylic vs Oil Paint

Acrylic vs Oil Paint
Acrylic paints are fast drying paints which are made up of pigments suspended in an acrylic emulsion or binder. On the other hand, oil paints are slow-drying paints which are made of small pigment particles...


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