Other - Society & Culture

Kiwi vs Maori

Kiwi is basically an informal word used to refer to New Zealanders. Military were the first New Zealanders who were widely known as Kiwis. The Maori, a tribal Polynesian people, are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
Punjabi vs Gujarati

Punjab and Gujarat are two different regions within the Indian subcontinent. Punjabi refers to the language spoken by inhabitants of the Punjab region, as well as the inhabitants of the region. Punjabi also refers to the ethnic food of the region, the culture and the folk practices of the region. Similarly, Gujarati refers to the language, people, culture, cuisine and folk practices of Gujarat.
Ethnicity vs Religion

Ethnicity is a method of classification based upon a common trait of the population, such as a common heritage, a common culture, a shared language or dialect. On the other hand, a religion is a belief in or the worship a god.
Atheist vs Agnostic

An atheist is someone who disbelieves in a god or gods. He rejects the notion of existence of any divine deities. On the other hand, an agnostic is a person who doubts the existence of God. He believes that man cannot confirm the existence of god and therefore god may or may not exist.
Theist vs Atheist

A Theist denotes a person who believes in the existence of a God. A theist believes that God is the creator and sovereign ruler of the universe. An atheist is the one who denies the existence of God or gods.
Eastern vs Western Religion

Eastern religions are those religions that are originating in the Eastern areas like China, Southeast Asia, India and Japan. Western religions are those religions that are originating in the Western areas like Americas and throughout Europe.
Culture vs Society

Culture reflects the characteristics that describe a society at a particular time; and the culture is mostly associated with the art forms. On the other hand, society is a long-standing group of people sharing cultural aspects such as language, dress, norms of behavior and artistic forms.
Saka Samvat vs Vikram Samvat

Saka Samvat and Vikram Samvat are commonly used calendars in India. Saka Samvat has been adopted as an official civil calendar by India. Saka Samvat starts from 78 AD, whereas Vikram Samvat starts from 57 BC.
Brahmin vs Pundit

Brahmin means the follower of Brahma – the ‘eternal & blissful consciousness which is also regarded as the highest knowledge in Hinduism’. One who has learned the four ancient Vedic scriptures in Hinduism is called a Pundit.
Tradition vs Culture

Tradition is the passing of beliefs or behaviors from one generation to the next generation, whereas culture reflects the characteristics that describe a society at a particular time; and the culture is mostly associated with the art forms.
Hazara vs Pashtun

Hazaras are members of an Afghan ethnic minority group, whereas the Pashtuns are a united group of tribes composing the largest ethnic group of Afghanistan.

Indian Culture refers to the customs, traditions, religions and set of rules that are followed in India, while the Western Culture most commonly refers to culture that is followed in America and Europe.


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