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Sun Sign vs Moon Sign vs Rising Sign

The sun sign is the astrological sign in which the sun is at the time of one’s birth. The moon sign is similar to the sun sign; however instead of the sun’s position, it takes into consideration the moon’s location. The rising sign is the astrological sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time of one’s birth.
Horoscope vs Kundli

Both horoscope and kundli are charts and diagrams that are used to make predictions. There is no difference between the two, except that the term kundli is commonly used in Indian Astrology, while horoscope is a general term.
Horoscope vs Astrology

The main difference between Horoscope and Astrology is that Astrology is a pseudoscience, whereas Horoscope is a prediction, chart, or diagram based on Astrology.
Leech vs Slug

Both, Leeches and Slugs are elongated-slimy creatures, but vary in their habitats. Leeches are relatives of earthworms, and mostly feed upon blood of other creatures, whereas Slugs belongs to Mollusks, hence their structure resembles to that of snails, but lack the outer shells or tough covering.
Earthworm vs Leech

Earthworms and Leeches are hermaphrodites, but differ in their subclasses; Earthworms fall under sub class Oligochaeta, whereas Leeches fall under Hirudinae.
Psychology vs Parapsychology

Psychology is the study of human mind and its actions. Parapsychology aims to throw light on those phenomena, which are rendered inexplicable by science.
Astronomy vs Astrology

Astronomy is considered as a natural science that deals with the physics, chemistry and evolution of the celestial bodies. Astrology is a group of belief systems that suggest that there is a relation between the position of the planets and the events that take place on Earth.
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